Why didn't you tell me i would have put my book down
Why didn't you tell me i would have put my book down

why didn

I have not heard from you to my email beneath. Please let me know if you require more time. I apologize for emailing again, but I have not received a reply to my email beneath. But your tone is inappropriate and unprofessional. I guess you wanted a reply just to confirm safe receipt of your email, and I'll confirm next time that we wanted more time. But I would like you to be more polite with us when chasing us for our tardiness. Our company strives to answer emails within 48 hours. We don't understand why we get some very huffy replies! Two examples from two different companies.

why didn

I apologize for emailing again, but I have not received a reply to my email beneath.My boss and I think my writing is very polite. after 7 business days additional to follow-up calls. Some counter-parties don't reply promptly, and my boss requires paper record like emailing them again e.g.

Why didn't you tell me i would have put my book down