Vanilla wow hearts of the wild
Vanilla wow hearts of the wild

We don't have 2 trinket macros or traps and aimshot. Time with this class has thought me, there's no set strategy to use when it comes to druids. I've found myself bashing a target in bearform, popping out and into catform, and shredding while their stunned, as often as I would cast a slow heal or re-rooting an opponent with that same bash. They do have the ability to pop, but a druid's versatility comes from multiple shifts during combat. We have the ability to pop in and out of forms for healing, or casting (maintaining dots and hots) that a feral druid lacks. A feral druid, with sufficient mana tick gear will do very well against a resto druid, but having innervate every 6 minutes in an endurance fight sings victory.

vanilla wow hearts of the wild

When it comes to dueling another mana-using class, it always defaults to "who has the most mana at the end wins". The primary thing you have to realize is that druids are endurance fighters.

vanilla wow hearts of the wild

Comment by ThottbotIn defense of my resto brethren, I feel very confident I can beat any feral or balance druid out there.

Vanilla wow hearts of the wild